Sunday, April 21, 2019

Voting & "Sankanbi"

Voting time again today, for the city assembly members and mayor, as I mentioned before.  I got there fairly early, so the place was nearly empty.  Walked in, voted, walked out.  One problem with writing your vote by hand is if a candidate has difficult kanji characters in their name!  Or not necessarily "difficult", but just ones I've never written before.  I actually double-checked with an election worker just to make sure my writing was OK!

Yesterday, I went out to a little street-side "rally" for a mayoral candidate.  There was one guy there who kinda confused me...he seemed to be there to support the candidate, but wasn't one of the volunteers.  Then I saw a candidate car with his face on it!  Turns out he's an "independent" candidate for the assembly who came to give a short speech in support of the mayoral candidate. 

I've NEVER seen a politician like this guy, especially in Japan.  No suit, but a pink shirt and white pants!  Dyed reddish-brown hair!  During his speech, he SANG....  This dude is my new political hero!  I talked to him and he said he's not really a politician.  He just felt like running because he has some issues that he feels need to be addressed in our city and wants to do something about them.  He told me he's an "artist" so I looked him up and found an old photo on Twitter.
This shot should've been on his campaign poster...  I'd vote for a guy with abs like that!

So, I guess I'll see the results tomorrow and hope for the best!

In addition to voting, they had a parents observation day at my daughter's school.  On a Sunday.  These days, most schools have this once a year on either a Sunday or Saturday, so working parents can attend more easily.  This means, the students and teachers get a replacement day off on Monday (but working parents DON'T...).

I know my expectations are too high.  I mean, I'm not expecting her to be a genius.  I know she's mentally disabled and it's a school for special education.  I just wish she'd participate more.  I know she's pretty smart and there's alot in her head, but it just doesn't come out as much as I'd like. 

And, to be honest, I was feeling disappointed with the school in general.  There is supposed to be 1 teacher for 2 kids, but her class is 5 kids with 2 teachers.  One of those 2 teachers is new, but she didn't bother to introduce herself.  I just had to assume she was one of the teachers...  And the "seikatsu" lesson, which I had assumed has to do with life skills or something, was just them singing songs.  WTF?!?  I guess there's not much you can do with special ed kids...  orz

Ended up pretty depressed, thank you.

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